
xTreme Sequences Testimonials

This is an awesome club for about 2 years by then you will have every sequence he makes as he repackaged the same song every 2 years with newer props you can map yourself. This is the main reason after 3 or 4 years i dropped him and will stick with Pixel pro displays. I wish Ron focused more on sequencing as he is really good at it but he is more consumed with the money of personal consultations while he rakes in roughly 30k a year if he only had 100 members, last count in facebook was over a thousand members so more like 300k a year and he still will not focus on what made his claim to fame and now hes selling controllers. lol. I wish this was not the case as i have paid well over 1000 bucks over my time but feel cheap every time he remakes the same 10 songs. Sad will not be back

xTreme Sequences not only has top notch sequences for sale but their site offers a plethora of easy to understand, highly useful training nuggets to help you grow from a newbie to a highly effective sequencer. If you want a quick start I recommend purchasing some of Ron’s Sequences. They are easy to download and implement and will have you up and running in a very short amount of time. If you ever get stuck Ron will be there to help. He is incredibly responsive to his patrons and genuinely wants to help you be successful. I’m so glad I found xTreme Sequences and plan to continue being part of this community for many years to come. Thanks Ron!

I have been a member now for 3 years. Love Ron's sequences. One in particular my wife asked me for today. Lil Drummer Boy. She wanted the original version. We saw Ron's version with music by The Pentatonix. OHHHHH MYYYYY GOOOD. AWESOME !! I highly recommend this and all sequencing by Ron. This is by far one of, if not my FAVORITE sequence. All of the colors, the blending, the effects. Masterpiece. Thank you Ron

OK, so I purchased singing faces for a sequence called Classic Christmas Medley. This is only my second year so I’m very new considering I’ve only dabbled in Xlights last Christmas and then again this Christmas and have put it wayside the whole year long. I was going to ask Ron how to import everything, then I figured I would just go to Xlights zoom room. Being a newbie, it’s always fearful that people will judge you based on your lack of knowledge so instead, I decided to go to YouTube and look up Ron’s videos, and there I found how to set up an import singing faces in Xlights. I must say I was extremely impressed at how easily it was done and I was able to set up my sequence flawlessly and my singing faces are singing happily. Thanks again, Ron Howard, you are a staple for the lighting community! transformed my show. Their sequences took my props to a whole new level. The variety Ron offers made it easy to amp up the excitement and captivate my audience. Using Ron's sequences was a game-changer, and I highly recommend him to anyone looking to create an unforgettable experience.

Ron has helped so many people with sequences, club membership, teaching in classes and the charity work he does. I had been buying props and misc. xLights gear for three years, but never had time to learn how to use it. Then last year my cancer turned to stage IV and I decided I didn't want to go out without ever having a pixel show, which nobody has ever done in my small town. I hired Ron to just do it all. We had to wire the props, push the pixels, etc, but he did everything else. He designed the layout, mapped all the sequences, and provide guidance and consultation all along the way. It was money well spent. We had opening night last night and the people loved it. They were clapping after every song. Some were dancing. It was everything I hoped it would be and more. Hiring Ron was the best money I ever spent, and very reasonable for everything he provided. Whether you want to do this crazy thing called pixels for the first time or you just want to take your show to the professional level, Ron is your man. I highly, highly recommend his services. I promise you won't be disappointed. By the way, as God does so many times, I received a surprise after my last scan, and all my tumors were gone! So, it looks like I'll be going to some of those classes and trainings after all and really learn to do this for myself. Thank you Ron! You helped make my Christmas Merry and bright!

I attended the one day training session ahead of this years ELF Mini. Humorous and helpful throughout the session, learnt a considerable amount and thoroughly enjoyed the day - thanks Ron!

I attended Ron’s training course in September with very little knowledge of mapping or sequencing. However after only a few short hours, and with Ron’s guidance and support I was able to map and had a much better understanding of sequences. I would recommend this course to all, from beginners to experts. As others on the course who classed themselves as pro’s said how much they had also learnt! Thanks Ron I am looking forward to the next one!

Ron's knowledge of xlights and its abilities is incredible! I recently attended a class at the ELF Mini and it was enlightening. From the simple short cut keys that make life a bit easier to how to manipulate layers to make an effect pop he had the answers. In a room of all abilities everyone was engaged. I feel I could do the same training course and still learn a vast amount of new knowledge. Look forward to seeing you over here again Ron

I Attended the ELF Mini 2023 and took Rons master class in mapping, it was very informative and I learned a lot more then I thought I would. we only had a few hours with the master and he tought us all a lot. I would recommend the training with Ron. Look forward to the next Mini and more training.

I attended Ron's Mapping Class at the ELF Mini 2023. I thought I knew a lots about Xlights, but I was astonished about how much I learned in this session; and gained some really foundation knowledge that is going to transform how I map and sequence. It was an enormously enjoyable day spent with such a legend in the Xlights world. There's something very special about a face to face training session with Ron that you simply can't get any other way. A huge thank you Ron !

What a hero Ron is, Wasn't fully sure what to expect from the class but learnt so much in such a sort time. Ron takes all the time needed to make sure everyone in the class is on the same page and always answers all questions as going along while still being able to bring things back to the overall topic. Ron was friendly, funny and teaches in a very hands on interactive way, cant recommend more.

As someone who is interested in sequencing and enjoys it but rarely has the time to open xlights, let alone create the magic I want to, Ron's class was incredible - not just showing what he does to achieve amazing sequences, but also showing how to get the most out of mapping sequences, how to make life easy for ourselves and how to use the features of xlights to best effect. We follow Ron's training on Thursday night zoom calls but being able to ask as we go, try out what he's talking about and have him being able to take his time to talk about his reasons and options was truly great. Will definitely be signing up for his course next year!

This is so much more than a testimonial for Ron's sequencing abilities. When I received the call that we were on the show, I realized I didn't just have 6 weeks to get my display up. I had six weeks to put up the best display I've ever done! It had to be perfect in every way and the sequencing could make it or break it. That's where Ron stepped in. I know he didn't have the time to dedicate to a single display on such short notice, but he did. Why? Because he's a good person, not just a company that sells sequences. There are many examples of his kindheartedness out there, and I'm forever grateful that he made the time to help me. Now let's talk about his sequencing! Ron's sequencing isn't just putting lights to music. It's visual art that inflicts emotion through our eyes and ears. I took our GCLF host on an emotional journey with a deep heartfelt song and then transitioned and closed out with a fast pace rocking sequence. xTreme Sequences truly has something for everyone! With my deepest appreciation, I give Ron Howard, xTreme Sequences, and the annual membership program my highest recommendation!! David Castle

Well as I started this journey Into the Unknown, I wasn't sure what to expect. Sequencing isn't a Thriller for me. When I finally made the decisions to give Ron sequences a try, I was amazed. The lights on My House look incredible. Ron's attention to detail is unbelievable. The sequences that Ron creates Will Rock You! I highly recommend Ron's sequences. You will not be disappointed.

I've been a member of Ron's since he first started, he was good then but now there's no doubt in my mind he's just the best in the business. The attention to detail and the empathy he has for the music is second to none. I have bought new props from BALS (I'm in the UK) this year so my display fits in better with his, mapping the sequences is a 10 minute job now - could not be easier. I'm not artistic in any way so using Ron's sequences sets my show apart from the rest! Highly recommended and worth every dollar.

We have been members of Xtreme Sequences for a few years now. There are so many small details that really bring our show to life thanks to Ron's work. We have a lot of HD props thanks to the sequences Ron has created and love the creativity he brings to the add on sequence features you can purchase. Utilizing the sub models for our HD props is something we found with Xtreme first, and it keeps us as repeat members. There are new songs added every year, and there have even been updates to some of the original sequences so if you are a member and purchased that song, you can get access to the updated version. Finally I will add, when Ron's songs are playing in our show, the crowd really responds with the Wows, Oohs and Aahs.

I've been doing a holiday display on my home for 5 years now and my show has grown over the years. From 6000 pixels my first year to just over 21000 now it has become a large display that I'm very proud to call my own. Every year my investment grows by adding new props, controllers, pixels, wires etc. No matter how much money I invest into the hardware end, the show would not look as good as it does if there was no investment into the software end as well. This is where Xtreme Sequences is the ace up my sleeve. The sequences that Ron puts together are extremely detailed and mind blowing. He is somehow able to pull every last drop of excellence out of every prop and bring them to life. The colors capture the feeling of the song, the beats are always bang on the money and the effects that he is able to pull out of every HD prop is truly a testament of the hours that he spends creating his masterpieces. He is a pioneer in this hobby and I'm glad I have him on my side. My show would not be as great as it is without his sequences running. Membership is totally worth it and I've been a member since 2018. Highly Recommended Happy lighting everyone !!!!

xTreme Sequences always delivers top notch sequences. We use several of them in both our Halloween and Christmas shows. Fantasmic was the 1st sequence I ever purchased and Ron made it so easy to import and it looks amazing on our house. Thanks for quality products and support!

Being an annual member of the xTreme Sequences Club has been an amazing experience. Ron is constantly putting out new selections for both Halloween and Christmas giving me the opportunity to grow both of my shows. His attention to detail is the best I have ever seen in this hobby, as you can truly feel the passion and emotions that he puts into every sequence. Some of the benefits are that you are not pinned down to a choice or one or two songs but can pick from his entire library with the Tokens you receive which cuts the cost down per Sequence to as low as $22.00 a song and the list of discounts can cover the cost of the membership in no time should your show grow. Whether your show is big or small, with all the different props in his layouts you will have no problem mapping to any prop you may have in your own show, and will be the talk of the town.

I’ve been an annual member now for 2 years and Extreme Sequences have taken my modest little light show to a whole different level. The quality is unmatched in the lighting community. Not only that, with the vendor discounts, my annual memberships pay for themselves. If that wasn’t enough, there is a free Thursday night zoom meeting where some of the nicest and brightest members of the lighting community get together to help each other out. Truly is the best bang for the buck if you are considering staring a RGB pixel light show, xTreme Sequences Annual Membership.

I have been an annual member of xTreme Sequences for about 3 years now and I am continually delighted by the quality of sequences that Ron produces. 2020 was my first year doing a light show and starting with 10000 pixels I put a lot of pressure on myself to make it look good. I needn’t have worried, as the process of applying Ron’s sequences across to my own layout was easy and it made it look amazing. Ron has the ability to tell a story with his sequencing skills and the effects that he creates on many of the props are second to none. I was proud to have his sequences on display here in the UK and they garnered many compliments from people watching - I was tempted to pass them off as my own!! You won’t find any better.

Xtreme sequences is by far the most bang for your buck. I started pixels about 5 years ago and my show was ok using some of the free sequences available online. I became a annual member a few years ago and wow my audience loves the detail in the sequences. Ive tried to make my own but just don’t have the talent or time. Anytime I have had a question or needed copy of music I’ve received a response within a few hours but most the time within minutes. Ron is amazing at what he does and you won’t be disappointed

Ive used Ron's sequences for a few years now. His use of HD props added with his skills will bring your show to a whole new level. He has the dedication and knowledge of sequences that will leave all who see your show wanting more, and trust me, once you get a taste of one of his sequences you will also want more!

I have done Christmas shows for almost ten years now but three years ago I moved into pixels. I’m an engineer by trade but simply don’t have the time or artistic inclination to put together a quality sequence. My time is valuable to me and there’s simply no need to waste my time doing something Ron does so much better and provides at a reasonable price point. I spend a lot of time and effort putting together my show’s physical attributes. To not accompany this effort with top-quality content would be a travesty. xTreme Sequences takes care of this problem for me. I’ve subscribed for two years now simply because the content is amazing. Ron’s attention to detail is incredible. The subscription service allows me to keep my show fresh and even update my sequences from year to year as Ron updates the older sequences - oftentimes at a nominal cost and occasionally free of charge. The token system allows me the flexibility to choose what I like and skip what I don’t like. I’ve not run out of fresh content yet and expect to continue to subscribe because of this.

XTreem Sequences are 2nd to none when it comes to attention to detail. Rons ability to translate music into light is like no other sequence club out there. I'm on my 2nd year of lights and membership has allowed me to impress the neighbourhood with a unique light show. The price per sequence for members is great value, along with the vendor discounts it's a no brainer.

Third year running and still the most xTreme Sequences out there. Value for Money Ron's sequences are by far the best i have come across. His dedication to getting the ultimate from the HD props allow the Sequence to be mapped easily to many props. Don't let the price put you of the X Tokens work out great value and i will no doubt be signing up next year when its renewal time again. Thanks Again Ron and xTtreme Sequences for allowing a Brit to bring a little bit of Lighting Magic to The UK.........

Fantastic Sequences Every time! Great attention to detail, Lots to choices to map to. Doesn’t just throw everything on the main model, sub models for days and only uses whole house effects with class for certain parts of songs. I would recommend Xtremesequences to everyone!

This will be our 3rd year with a show and from the beginning after much looking around and pondering we chose xTreme Sequences to create and do due diligence to our display. We have tried and used other vendors as well and although they are good too, very few will really give you the "feels" quite like Ron's sequences do. We started small with not much more than a house outline and less than 3000 pixels (and are still considered small although we have tripled or size currently) and it didn't matter. I even asked Ron to if he could show what a few of his sequences would look like without all of the high-density props and he accommodated that for us. Customer service is something not always seen but is very evident here. Our display looked and continues to look amazing! Ron's sequences have something in them for everyone and can be scaled as your display grows over the years. We still don't have a mega tree or big matrix and it doesn't matter, the sequences still make our display look awesome. We are very picky in our choices of what we want to share with the community and as you get to know Ron, you will see that he truly sequences from the heart and it really shows in the products he continues to put out there. We are so glad that we made the choice and continue to choose xTreme Sequences and Ron Howard to make our show what it is today and the compliments that we have received every year continue to validate that we made the right choice as well.

Ron lives and breath’s animated lights. He regularly posts quick help videos all the time to help people. The little quick Monday minutes and the new version of xlights reviews are so helpful. He is always more than willing to help those who ask for it. The way he can tell a story with lights is just amazing. Thanks for all you do Ron!!

The annual membership is definitely the way to go. The xtream sequences are by far and away the best out there and have really taken my show to the next level and beyond, and by having the annual membership they workbout at such great value.

The annual membership is certainly the way to go with this sequence vendor! You'll never run out of awesome sequences to use AND you're able to download and select them at your own leisure. The cost savings in a membership, along with lifetime use of any sequences purchased, is well worth it if you're new to animated lighting or a seasoned veteran. Highly recommend.