
Christmas Every Day

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xLights Sequence

Not Included:
Singing Faces


2019 was my first year working with sequenced Christmas Lights. Overwhelming is an understatement. I was able to figure out the things needed to get lights to blink. It was a major help to have professional sequences from xtreme sequences to...

Myles Frohling
January 2020

Started my pixel display in 2015 with just some simple sequences but knew there was more out there. I found Ron through a Facebook group in 2018 and saw the amount of detail he put in his sequences and was extremely happy with how easy it was to...

Scott Lewis
January 2020

Ron creates some of the most powerful and moving sequences that map easily to your own display. xTremesequences really does take your display to a whole other level.

Trent Usher
January 2020

This is my first year doing any sort of light show. It was a large undertaking and I looked at many different websites and groups for information. I knew I wasn't going to have time to put it all together and build my own sequences. I visited...

Chad Palmer
January 2020

This is my second year of lights. Previously I downloaded a couple of sequences from the Google drive, then this year I added more with singing elements and I needed something to show off these new singing bulbs. I found Xtremesequences were not...

Bernie Hunt
January 2020

This was my first year having a light show and Ron's sequences were a hit in my show! There are alot of good vendors to choose from in this hobby but his style fits my taste the most. The skrillex medley by far is the most popular in my show. The...

Ron Hammond
January 2020

I have been doing pixel displays for a few years now and I am good on the hardware side but on the sequencing side I lack. I have several of Ron's sequences and they are beautiful. He has a great talent for making the songs come alive and draw...

Javan Jensen
January 2020

xTreme Sequences are some of the best sequences around. You will not find any other vendor that does the same effects. Ron is a class A guy that is always available to answer questions and make any issue right. I will continue to buy sequences...

Doug Wessel
January 2020

I am amazed in the detail of Ron's sequences! This was my second year in having an xLights display and I made it a point to have about a dozen sequences from Ron in my Halloween, Christmas and New Years show. The color, the movement and how my...

Lowell Hake
January 2020

I have 7 or more of Ron's Sequences from over the last couple of years. His sequences are always top notch and hit of our show. Mapping the sequences into my layout has always been easy and quick. Ron keeps up with the progression in this hobby....

Robert Blank
January 2020

Ron has a unique way of bringing lights to life through his talent of sequencing which he has only acquired in a short period of time and only getting better. I highly recommend Ron and his xTreme Sequencing services to help enhance your show...

Steven M Stern
January 2020

Towards the end of December I ran out of time to sequence. I has always looked at Ron's sequence, and decided to purchase a couple. After mapping them, the sequences were a great hit, everyone had a comment to various parts. I would...

January 2020

2019 was my first year with Pixels. I used 2 sequences from Ron and had a very easy time adapting them to my tiny display. Besides great sequences, he is also a great help with the multitude of user error problems. Thanks Ron!

Steve Webster
January 2020

I had bought a beautiful sequence that Xtremesequences had done, Somewhere Over the Rainbow. While the sequence itself was beautiful, my father-in-law passed away on December 5th, and it was his wish that we have a light show. Somewhere Over the...

Bobby Galeza
January 2020

I am "xtremely" impressed with xTreme Seuemces! Ron definitely know what he is doing with sequencing RGBW lights! I recommend his sequences to anyone. Importing the sequences and mapping to my props were fairly simple with the instructions...

Tom Savage
January 2020

Awsome job at everything I got from this man. Truly worth the money!

October 2021

It takes a very special talent and creative mind to create sequences to this caliber, Ron has both hands down. He is always there to assist individuals with problems, he’s been in the business for a while so he’s seen and experienced a lot. If...

Jeff carder
October 2021

Last year was my first venture in to this hobby and my whole display was elevated by the addition of a number of sequences from xTreme Sequences. Ron is a master and produces sequences that are stunning and amazing. With High Density props they...

Mat Richards
October 2021

Ron has a talent in putting together sequence's that are cohesive and very detailed to make your display pop!!!

richard leviness
November 2021

I've been doing a holiday display on my home for 5 years now and my show has grown over the years. From 6000 pixels my first year to just over 21000 now it has become a large display that I'm very proud to call my own. Every year my investment...

Albert Barone
October 2022